synergisticit is Best Python Bootcamps in US

ReasonsWhy SynergisticIT Is The Best Python Bootcamp in The US Python is one of the fastest-growing programming languages worldwide. According to SlashData, it has a 10.1 million active developer community, only second to JavaScript. Thanks to its large contribution to cutting-edge technologies like data science and machine learning, Python stands strong. Approximately 70 percent of the data scientists and ML developers report using Python. On the other hand, the share of newer languages like R is just 17 percent. The evolution of data science, machine learning and artificial intelligence is the greatest reason behind Python’s popularity. And, because it is an integral part of the new age technologies, its popularity is not going to decline soon. A survey by GitHub revealed that HTML, Python, and JavaScript are the most preferred languages used by the students. In the past few years, many CS programs and reputed coding bootcamps have implemented Python as the pri...